Weldon City Schools Welcomes New Teachers

WELDON, NC 10 AUGUST 2022- A mixture of beginning and veteran teachers was welcomed by Weldon City Schools (WCS) staff as they embarked upon their professional journeys as teachers for the school system. WCS has renewed its efforts to retain and recruit educators at all levels. Newly hired teachers even receive a signing bonus for joining the Weldon team.

“I expect all of my racers to cross the finish line this year,” remarked Ms. April Allen, a recently hired first grade teacher. “I used the term racers because I want to keep with the Strive For 55 theme,” she added. Strive For 55 is the theme for all Weldon schools for the 2022-23 school year. Dr. Dannie Williams, Superintendent of Weldon City Schools, has established the Strive For 55 slogan as the goal for the district’s students to reach at least 55% proficiency in all areas tested by the state.

“This is an all-hands-on deck effort to increase the academic success of our students,” said Superintendent Williams. “It starts in every classroom and continues everyday: our students will grow and achieve new heights,” he concluded.

In addition to achievement on state mandated tests, how much growth students show in their individual academic achievement will be factored into the scores for the school system. Ms. Natasha Rouson, a veteran teacher who is starting her first year with WCS as a third grade teacher offered, “Our students have a need, and we’re going to have a great time and grow this year.”