Testing & School Accountability » Family Guide To Assessments

Family Guide To Assessments

EOG & EOC Assessments 

End-of-Grade Tests: Reading and Mathematics Grades 3-8, Science Grade 5 and 8 

When is it Given? Final 10 instructional days for the school year.


Length of Test: 

Reading Grades 3-5: 48 questions

Reading Grades 6-8: 52 questions

Mathematics Grades 3 and 4: 46 questions

Mathematics Grade 5: 48 questions

Mathematics Grades 6-8: 53 questions

Science Grades 5 and 8: 65 questions.

All tests are 120 minutes (180 maximum)


Who takes it?

All students in membership take the EOG. Those students with disabilities, who according to their IEP documentation, participate in the NCEXTEND 1, take the NCEXTEND 1 as their reading, mathematics and science EOG.


What is it and why is it important?

The EOG tests measure students’ proficiency on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for reading, mathematics and science in grades 5 and 8.

How are the results used? 

Results are used to measure student achievement/proficiency, as well as student growth. Test results are also used for school and district accountability in the accountability model and for federal reporting purposes.



End-Of-Course Tests: Biology, English II, NC Math 1, and NC Math 3

Length of Test: 

Biology EOC - 120 minutes (180 maximum)

English 2 - 150 minutes (240 maximum)

Math 1 and Math 3 - 180 minutes (240 maximum)

When is it Given? 

Final 5 instructional days of the semester or the final 10 instructional days for yearlong courses.

Who takes it?: 

All students in membership in each course must take the EOC. Those students with disabilities, who according to their IEP documentation, participate in the NCEXTEND 1, take the NCEXTEND 1 as their Biology, English II and Math 1 EOC.

What is it and why is it important?

The EOC tests are used to sample a student’s knowledge of subject-related concepts as specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for English II, NC Math 1 and Math 3 and the North Carolina Essential Standards for Biology to provide a global estimate of the student’s mastery of the material in the content area.

How are the results used?

 Results are used to measure student achievement/proficiency, as well as student growth. Test results are also used for school and district accountability in the accountability model and for federal reporting purposes. 16 N.C. Admin Code 06D.0309 states that “public schools shall use results from all operational EOC tests as a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the student’s final grade for each respective course.”