Director of Federal Programs Geneva Faulkner » Links


  • The purchasing routing form is required to be submitted with any fund 3 (federal) expenditure requests.

    Please ensure that you have fully completed for form to avoid delays in processing

    1. Signature of site admin or department director/coordinator requesting approval of expenditure
    2. Include the approved ESSER plan strategy that is listed in the plan related to the expenditure request
    3. If not ESSER, include the District or School Improvement Plan alignment (please state it as it is in the plan, i.e. copy it from the plan)
    4. List the full budget code number and the amount remaining in the line item on the day of the request (please ensure you have a fresh budget printout)
    5. If there is not sufficient funds in the line item, you must submit a budget admendment with the request for expenditures and await the approval from local and state prior to the expense occuring.
    6. If the final amount including all sales tax, shipping & handling exceeds $10,000, please attach the board agenda and board approval date.  This must be attached to the purchase order.
    7. If a contracted services line is used, a copy of the fully executed contract must be included.
  • Please make sure you are accounting for all required benefits associated with a payroll expense.  

    Please ensure you are adding indirect cost line to be calculated on all non-contracted services when allowable by the PRC (please review the chart of accounts for the specific PRC to determine if it is a line in the budget).

    Be sure to sign the budget amendment