School Health Services
Weldon City Schools recognizes that it is important for students to maintain their physical health and receive proper nutrition in order to take advantage of educational opportunities. Student wellness and proper nutrition are related to a student’s physical well-being, growth, development, and readiness to learn. Weldon City Schools is committed to providing a school environment that promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience.
The School Nurse Program facilitates positive student response to normal development, promotes health and safety, intervenes with actual and potential health problems, provides case management services, and actively collaborates with community partners to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy, and learning.
Remember: Healthy Children Learn Better!
To promote the health and education of students as a result of school nursing practice.
To foster the growth, development, and educational achievement of Weldon City Schools students by providing quality nursing care through Weldon City School's Health Services. We will build public and private partnerships to ensure quality, compassionate nursing services that are effective, culturally appropriate, and responsive to the diverse and changing needs of students and their communities.
Individual care, screening, teaching, and appropriate medical referring will assist in removing barriers to student attendance and academic performance..
We will update this page frequently to communicate news, announcements, and potential health concerns that may relate to you or your child's wellness. Parents and Staff, please read below for more information regarding health needs and the beginning of the school year.
- Have your child's Medication Authorization Form completed by his/her physician and returned to the school.*
- Bring your child's medicine along with the Medication Authorization Form to school in the original pharmacy labeled box or bottle on the first day of school.*
- When you receive the Student Health Information form, please return it to your child's school as soon as possible so the nurses can identify potential health concerns that may need to be addressed.
- According to Federal Law by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), if your child has a food sensitivity or allergy such as milk, soy, peanuts, etc. your physician must complete the Dietary Modification Form if your child will receive food from the school cafeteria. Return the completed form to the school nurse.
All Students: in accordance with state law, the parent/guardian enrolling a student for the first time into a North Carolina school MUST present proof of immunizations and a current NC Health Assessment Transmittal Form within 30 days of the first day of school. All students entering school for the first time shall have completed or have started the course of immunizations.
All Seventh Grade Students: in accordance with state law, the parent/guardian enrolling seventh-grade students MUST present a current immunization record, within 30 days of the first day of school.
Students in grades 7 to 11 Effective 7-1-2015
- 1 dose of Tdap (tetanus/diphtheria toxoid). Required if the individual had not previously received it and are entering the 7th grade or by 12 years of age whichever comes first.
- 1 dose of Meningococcal conjugate. Required for individuals born on or after 1-1-2003 and entering the 7th grade or by 12 years of age, whichever comes first.
All Twelfth Grade Students: in accordance with state law, the parent/guardian enrolling twelth-grade students MUST present a current immunization record, within 30 days of the first day of school.
Students in grade 12
- 2 doses of Meningococcal conjugate required for individuals born on/after 1-1-2003 and entering the 12th grade or by 17 years of age, whichever comes first. (2nd dose not required if entered 12th grade before 8-1-2020 or if 1st dose received on or after 16th birthday.)
Per North Carolina General Statute (G.S. 130A-152(a)), students who are not in compliance will not be permitted to attend school until the immunization requirements are met.
Board Policy 4430 and 4430-R requires all medication to be in its original labeled pharmacy box or bottle and prohibits students from bringing medicine to school. Medicine must be carried to school by a parent/guardian. Weldon City Schools requires an approved self-carrying of medicines such as asthma or emergency anaphylaxis medicines. Diabetic students are allowed to carry medicines according to Senate Bill 911 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Weldon City Schools is not responsible for any student carrying or self-administering medication.
Things to remember in preparation for a new school year:
- If you have been delegated by your principal to give medicine you are prohibited from administering ANY medicine until completion of Medication Training and proficient scoring of the Medication Quiz.
- All staff members who have direct student contact (i.e. teachers, teacher assistants, office assistants, principals, cafeteria personnel, bus drivers, etc.) are required by Senate Bill 911 to have General Diabetes Education.
- As completed Student Health Forms return please place them in the nurse's box for review.
- If you are aware of any identified student health concerns contact the school nurse (recent surgeries, pregnancy, extended absenteeism, etc.).
- Contact the school nurse of any student injuries that require fifty percent loss of the school day. All injuries should be reported on the Student Injury Report.
*Remember student privacy and confidentiality is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
School Health Forms
NC School Health Manual
Video: How to Properly Wear a Mask
Handwashing Hygiene
Guidance for Reopening Schools
Asthma Education
Allergies Education
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